Health Q&A
Homeopathy medicine in london

Hi, My friend wants to get homeopathy medicine through doctor consultation here. Is it possible that doctors here can send homeopathy medicine to London. As she has just gone there 6months ago. But has a child who has started some problem. Please let me know. I shall inform here. Thanks,

High lipid

Cholesterol is high... Please see the reports Please suggest ayurvedic Can i take himalaya lasuna??? Or suggest anything else??

Running nose and cold

Hi Doctor, From last 2 months I have been facing a problem of running nose and cold in the morning time and after taking hot water bath it reduces and I have sinus problem from almost 4 yrs but it never caused me running nose at morning time, and recently I moved to different house from that day am facing thia problem, I think it's because of environment change. Please answer the question with some ayurvedic medicine, Thanks in advance,

Homeopathic Remedies

I was suffering from IBS-C but after taking Nux Vomica 30 CH for 15 days I got 70% relief... Should I continue it for a month?

I have daibetes for 1 year

I want to suggestion of homeopathic medicine my sugar level starting time is 396 fasting and 450 is post meals present time 100/130 after medicine please suggest me