Stomach Cancer: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

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Stomach Cancer: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment


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What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer or gastric cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the stomach. It is a relatively rare type of cancer and patients seldom show any symptoms in the early phases, thereby making it one of the most challenging malignancies to diagnose in stage 1.

There are four principal types of stomach cancer- adenocarcinomas, lymphoma, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST) and carcinoid tumour.


It is the most common type of stomach cancer, approximately 90-95 per cent of gastric cancer falls under this category. Here, the cells in the innermost lining of the stomach or mucosa multiply abnormally to form a tumour.


Lymphoma generally affects the immune system of an individual. In some cases, this type of cancer develops on the walls of the stomach.

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST)

It is a rare form of stomach cancer which starts in the interstitial cells of Cajal in the stomach. Here, some of the cells of a tumour are benign while others are malignant.

Carcinoid Tumour

This type of stomach cancer develops in the hormone-making cells of the stomach, and it is also known as Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors. The good thing about this cancer is it generally does not spread to other organs.

How does stomach cancer occur?

The exact cause of stomach cancer is not known till date. Oncologists believe that an infection of Helicobacter pyroli can be a probable reason for the development of stomach cancer. It causes ulcers in the stomach which often become malignant in the future. In addition to this, gastritis (inflammation in the stomach), pernicious anaemia (a type of long-lasting anaemia), and polyps in the gut may also cause stomach cancer.

Like all other forms of cancer, Stomach Cancer has 4 stages.

Stage 0: In this stage, a collection of unhealthy cells develop in the inner lining of the patient’s stomach which has a higher probability of becoming malignant in the future.

Stage 1: Here, the patient already has a small malignant tumour on the inner lining of the stomach. The cancerous cells may spread to the nearby lymph nodes in stage 1.

Stage 2: In this stage, the malignant cells spread into the lymph nodes of the stomach as well as into the deeper layers of the stomach wall.

Stage 3: Now, the cancerous cells are present in all the layers of the stomach as well as in some of the adjacent organs like the spleen or colon.

Stage 4: This is the final stage of stomach cancer where the cancerous cells are present in many organs like liver, lungs and even brain.

Who is prone to stomach cancer?

People with the following risk factors are more prone to stomach cancer than others:

What are the symptoms of stomach cancer? How is stomach cancer diagnosed?

The symptoms of stomach cancer include:


Patients rarely show any symptoms in the early stages of stomach cancer. In most of the cases, by the time the oncologist diagnoses this diseases, the tumour has already reached the advanced stages. The doctor first physically examines the patient’s abdomen, to notice any irregularities, and he prescribes a thorough blood test, including the detection for H. pylori bacteria infection. If the blood test report indicates some abnormalities within the system, the oncologist advises further investigations like X-ray, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, PET CT scan and finally a biopsy. The biopsy can confirm or rule out the presence of stomach cancer.

What are the complications of a stomach cancer?

If stomach cancer progresses to advanced stages, then it may lead to many complications like:

What is the treatment for stomach cancer?

The cure for stomach cancer depends on how long the patient has been affected by the disease. If the oncologist diagnoses the malignancy in the Stage 0 or Stage 1, then surgery is the best option to make patient cancer free.

In Stage 2, the doctors proceed with an operation along with follow-up chemotherapy.

In stage 3, Chemotherapy is the main line of treatment. The doctors may also recommend complete gastrectomy to remove the entire stomach along with chemoradiation to manage the disease or reduce the discomforts.

In Stage 4, it is difficult to cure the disease. The doctors prescribe treatment to offer you relief from complications, like the placement of a stent to remove the blockage of GI tract, or gastric bypass surgery to create an alternate route for food passage around a tumour.

Would you like to consult a doctor for Stomach Cancer ?

Questions answered by trusted doctors

Verified User
My mother feeling too much fullness in her upper stomach even she eats very small and have vomiting also...she don't digest food properly and have pain in upper stomach....i was read the symptoms of stomch cancer ..i think she have same....please help me to diagnose it...i will be very thank fulll to u....plzz replyy and help me....
Dr. Sandeep Nayak
Surgical Oncologist, Bangalore
Your mother needs to consult a gastroenterologist or surgical oncologist further workup. Let the doctors decide what she needs. Please remember that most of the stomach problems have same symptoms.
Dr. Kaushal Yadav
Surgical Oncologist, Gurgaon
Please get upper GI endoscopy and share report
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Did you know?

Stomach cancer

According to NCBI, stomach cancer is one of the main causes of deaths in South India, due to high consumption of pickled, spicy and salty foods.

Prevention of Stomach Cancer

Regular exercise and quitting smoking reduces your chances of developing this disease.

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Home Remedies

Indian Gooseberry

Regular consumption of amla or Indian gooseberry can cure stomach cancer. It has proven chemo-preventive qualities which can stop the proliferation of cancerous cells.

Lu Feng Fang

The Chinese herb Lu Feng Fang may also help in treating stomach cancer

Omega – 3 fatty acids

Omega – 3 fatty acids supplements prevent the multiplication of malignant cells in the stomach cancer tumour. Adding it to the diet in the form of oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna may help to cure stomach cancer.