Hydrocephalus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Hydrocephalus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus is referred to as the typical condition that occurs when fluid starts building up in the skull. This causes the brain to get inflamed. The name of the condition “Hydrocephalus” implies “water in the brain.” As a result of the accumulation of fluid in the skull, significant brain damage could occur. This could lead to the impairments in the overall physical and intellectual developments. The collection of fluid in the skull would require proper treatment for preventing serious complications. 

How does Hydrocephalus Occur?

CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) flows through the spinal cord and the brain in normal conditions. Under typical conditions, the amount of CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) in the brain increases. The overall amount of CSF in the brain could increases in cases when:

The accumulation of excess CSF fluids would put the brain under immense pressure. The amount of pressure could lead to brain inflammation or swelling which could eventually damage the brain tissues. 

In some typical cases, the condition of Hydrocephalus might occur even when the baby is not born. This could be from:

Who is Prone to Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus is most common in children or infants who are just born. However, in some typical cases, Hydrocephalus might also occur in adults above the age of 60 years. However, younger adults can also get it. The NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) the USA reveals that around 1 in 2 out of every 1000 babies born are having Hydrocephalus. 

What are the Symptoms of Hydrocephalus? How is Hydrocephalus Diagnosed?

Hydrocephalus could lead to permanent brain damage when left untreated at the right time. Therefore, it becomes crucial to identify the Hydrocephalus symptoms well in advance towards coming up with proper treatments. Though the condition is more common in infants and small children, the Hydrocephalus symptoms could also reflect in people of any age. 

In the infants, some of the common symptoms to look out for include:

When it comes to the young-aged or adults, the Hydrocephalus symptoms include:


If you come across some of the common symptoms of Hydrocephalus in your child or yourself, the doctor will perform the physical examination for looking for any possible signs of the condition. In children, the doctor would examine the eyes that might be sunken in, the bulging fontanel, slow reflexes, and the head circumference that might be larger than normal.

The doctor might also suggest the ultrasound of the brain. Other possible diagnostic tests include the MRI and CT Scans of the brain to check for any abnormalities. 

What are the Complications of Hydrocephalus?

What is the Treatment for Hydrocephalus?

If the conditions related to Hydrocephalus are left untreated, it could turn out fatal. The treatment for Hydrocephalus might not reverse the damage already done to the brain. The main goal here is to prevent any further fatal damage to the brain. The treatment processes for Hydrocephalus usually involve the restoration of the normal flow of CSF to the brain. The doctor upon diagnosis of the symptoms of Hydrocephalus might suggest some possible surgical options including:

Home Remedies for Hydrocephalus

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