Hair Fall Treatment Procedures


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Is it normal to lose hair?

Most of us take our locks for granted until suddenly they begin to fall due to various reasons and drastic hair thinning or bald patches occur.

It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hair strands a day, however, losing more than that can spell trouble. It is then that you require medical intervention and get yourself diagnosed.


What kind of a doctor should I consult for my hair fall problems?

Because different conditions such as thyroiditis, hypopituitarism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause hair loss, you may need to see a doctor who is a dermatologist or an endocrinologist for treatment. A dermatologist can treat hair loss, which is hereditary, and an endocrinologist can diagnose and treat hair loss symptoms associated with various endocrine disorders.

A trichologist too can effectively treat your hair loss symptoms.  A trichologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of hair and can treat baldness, hair breakage, itchy/flaking scalp and different forms of alopecia.

How are the causes of hair fall diagnosed? 

Since hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, the first step should be to consult your family physician or a general practitioner. The doctor will perform a general physical exam for you and ask you a number of questions to glean your and your family’s medical history. The physician will ask you:

  • How noticeably is your hair thinning? How many hair strands do you lose per day?
  • Since how long do you have excessive hair loss?
  • Does your family have a history of hair loss?
  • Tell me about your diet.
  • What are your hairstyling habits? Do you use heat often to style your hair?
  • Have you suffered from any recent illnesses, especially skin rashes or allergies?
  • Do you have any health problems such as thyroid problems, arthritis etc?
  • Do you suffer from stress or depression?
  • Are you taking any medicines for thyroid problems, arthritis, depression or any heart-related issues?

Based on your responses and overall general health, the doctor may then advise you to undergo the following tests:

  • Blood Test: to determine if you suffer from any health problems such as thyroid.
  • Pull Test: in which the doctor will pull your hair to see how many hairs come out on an average.
  • Scalp Biopsy: in which the doctor will scrape some skin and a few hairs from your scalp to check if you suffer from any kind of scalp infection.
  • Light Microscopy: which will help diagnose any disorders of the hair shaft you may suffer from.

Hair loss can occur due to a poor diet, stress, vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, pregnancy, treatments like chemotherapy, or due to ageing. These conditions are not very serious and can be addressed easily by taking medicines, or stopping certain medicines, and changing your lifestyle. Very often the hair grows back.


If your hair loss is due to genetic reasons or medical conditions, your hair may not grow back naturally. This can be distressing for you as hair loss can affect your overall appearance. Under such circumstances, based on your general physical health and the pattern and severity of hair loss, and your doctor’s suggestions, you may consider a couple of medical procedures, which can help alleviate your condition. 

Hair Fall Treatment Procedures Topics

The hair fall treatment procedures include:



1. A B, Auray J. Assessing the Hair Colourings' Impact on Quality of Life [Internet]. 2018 [cited 21 February 2018]. Available from:

2. Understanding Hair Loss due to Air Pollution and the Approach to Management [Internet]. 2018 [cited 21 February 2018]. Available from:

Would you like to consult a doctor for Hair Fall Treatment Procedures ?

Questions answered by trusted doctors

Verified User
In one year my hair is falling ........... ..............................................
Dr. Manoj Agarwala
Dermatologist, Raipur
Thanks for the query. Male pattern baldness (MPB) is an increasing problem in today's society. Hair care is a daily ritual shaped by age, gender, socioeconomic status and internal health. With increasing affordability people are more aware of the cosmetic appearance and hair fall forms a major part of the complaints. It is more difficult to manage if there is a family member with similar hair fall, it indicates genetics and we know that the person is destined to lose hair if not intervened and corrective measures are not taken. The treatment typically consists of usage of oral medication (Finasteride) and topical lotion (Minoxidil in 5% strength). One needs to be patient with the treatment protocol as it takes months to see initial improvement. Minoxidil is recommended by US-FDA for indefinite usage. Certain dermatologists supplement biotin, hair serum and advice procedures like PRP therapy which may accelerate the rate of hair growth. PRP needs multiple sessions (4-6) roughly at 6 weeks intervals. PRP therapy is increasingly being accepted by dermatologists all over the world. Apart from active pharmaceutical medicines, a healthy diet and lifestyle is mandatory to achieve results. Further information is in the following weblink
Verified User
I have problem on my hair. My hair fall down and I have blank . What should I do ?
Dr. Shaurya Rohatgi
Dermatologist, Mumbai
There are many reasons for hair fall. So first and foremost we have to find the cause with the help of detailed history and examination. Some of the common causes are nutritional deficiency, hormonal causes like androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness, hypothyroidism, telogen effluvium etc. Unless we find and treat the cause there is no point in giving non specific treatment. Oils or shampoos do not have any effect on hair growth as they are not absorbed in the skin. Please call me or send photographs using online consult option for proper diagnosis and detailed prescription,
Verified User
Hello sir / Madam
My hair is falling please help me for stop hair fall and growing them again. Please help me
Dr. Prof. C.R.V.Narasimhalu
Dermatologist, Chennai
You are suffering from hormonal changes causing Androgenetic alopecia causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please meet me in my clinic or do direct personal online consultation by sending photos for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
Dr. Shaurya Rohatgi
Dermatologist, Mumbai
There are many reasons for hair fall or thinning of hair on scalp. So first and foremost we have to find the cause with the help of detailed history and examination. Some of the common causes are nutritional deficiency, hormonal causes like androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness, hypothyroidism, telogen effluvium etc. Unless we find and treat the cause there is no point in giving non specific treatment. Oils or shampoos do not have any effect on hair growth as they are not absorbed in the skin. Moreover, you should never self treat with anything. Please call me or send photographs using online consult option for proper diagnosis and detailed prescription.
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Did you know?

Everyday hair fall

Do you ever see a lot of hair in the drain after showering? That’s normal–we shed between 40 and 150 strands of hair a day.

Hair chemistry

The hair on our heads is composed of: 50 percent carbon, 21 percent oxygen, 17 percent nitrogen, 6 percent hydrogen, and 5 percent sulphur.

Its normal to lose a few hairs everyday

How much hair do we have on our scalp? More than you think. The average person has 100,000 - 150,000 strands of hair on her head (so don’t worry too much if you lost 40 - 150 hairs today while showering).

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