I am In a very deep depression

2017-09-20 18:33:17
I am a very sensitive person.I have a very struggled life and I have a very very bad past too. I tried so many times to get rid of all these but still, I can't. I have no good relations with my family even with my mother too. They always want me to live my life according to their conditions. i do so. I have no freedom. I cant take any decision individually. people who had come in my life they were all selfish and used me according to their needs. Please help me how to control my mind and things.

Answers (1)

Loss of interest, decreased concentration and attention, feeling low and disturbed sleep or appetite are some of the signs of depression. Consult a psychiatrist who will assess you in detail. If you are feeling suicidal or hopeless, seek professional help immediately.

Answered2017-09-20 19:04:13

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