Erectile dysfunction w antihypertensives

2017-12-17 16:03:12
Am 34 years old, i was diagnosed as hypertensive 17 months back. I started to take Ramipril and Amlodipine. Few months back i noticed that I have Erectile Dysfunction. My doctor switched me to tepmesartan and Natrilix, i didnt improve, so I stopped the diuretic. I regained my sexual performance for 1 month and then again suffered from ED. currently my blood pressure is not controlled as I need a combination, and i have the ED with all the groups i have tried.

Answers (1)

For ur problem we can go with ayurvedic medicine to improve ir ED and to increase ur erection time and stamina
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consult me privately for more details

Answered2017-12-17 17:05:18

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