Pediatric Oncology

Health Q&A
Pain in chest

From almost 2 years i've left neck left arm left shoulder left underarm and left chest pain. Heart tests were fine but in spine and neck cervical problem detected. Its been 2 years pain is now worsen because of left chest and underarm pain i afraid what if its a breast cancer? I've noticed no lump or swelling till now. Can i do a mammogram? It can breast cancer or not?

Frequent urination, patch on thighs

Frequent urination from last 1 months, painfull patches on thighs and and thighs and leg pain it is a symtoms of cancer ? I am stressed

Throat cancer

Hello I am sandip, I am from Kolkata, I have a doubt I am not sure but I can see somthing on my throat that can be a cancer cell. I want to know that it's Cancer or other things I smoke in daily basis That's why This doubt comes in my thaughts I have attached the pictures Please help me I am so scared Thank you

Whether cancer hereditary disease

I am men . My mother died due to uterus cancer. Do I have any possibility to have cancer in future. Please reply 🙏

CML or aml

Attached is the cbc report of my father. Is it cml or aml? What is the life expectancy and survival rate?