Forensic Psychiatry

Health Q&A
Can't fall to sleep at night

Since last 3 days I am not able to fall to sleep at night. From 10 to 3 Pm I just try falling to sleep in vain. Never happened before ..this is the first time..I am yawning..but still not sleeping is so frustrating also..the maid comes at 6 am so I am getting max 3 hours of sleep Feeling restless and frustrated pls help

Insomnia - Chronic and Debiliating

I have been under treatment for Sleeplessness for almost 5 Years Now. In this journey, like many people I was treated for anxiety and other psychosomatic conditions. I have taken numerous medicines as prescribed from time to time.. I will not list all those meds here otherwise you will judge me as someone diving deep in google and resorting to self-treatment, which is not true in my case. I have been patient enough and given good time to all the medicines and all the doctors I came across. I am not a case of treatment failure as my anxiety have been oartially cured in all these years though Insomnia still haunts. Now I am in pursuit of a psychiatrist who have deep interest and expertise in sleep medicines and handling difficult to treat cases of Anhedonia/OCD and Benzodiazapene dependence. I am seeking serious help. Regards

Cbc report...

Hlo dr, I have done cbc blood test to see my haemoglobin if I were iron deficiency or not... And my overall health is good or not... Plz say by seeing my report it is normal or something is wrong... And also the black highlighted one in the report is worrying me... Plz say ...

Anxiety attack

Hello dr i m 37 years old women...some time i feel so heart rate increase difficult breathing..i feel i wil get heart attack...please suggest what should i physician suggest me placida when i feel this type of this safe medicine

About anxiety

Today I'm feeling too anxious due to some personal issues and also feeling chest ache at the same time is it normal or something is wrong with me