Adult Psychiatry

Health Q&A
Afraid of septoplasty

My nasal septum is deviated to left consequently causes trouble during sleep. Dr's have suggested surgery. I am in panic. Can I take zapiz. 25 for emergency?


Is there any drug interactions between prochlorperazine and Clonazepam + Escitalopram Oxalate? Can I take prochlorperazine for  dizziness after nexito forte?

Anxiety attack

Hello dr i m 37 years old women...some time i feel so heart rate increase difficult breathing..i feel i wil get heart attack...please suggest what should i physician suggest me placida when i feel this type of this safe medicine

Unexplainable pains,dizziness,palpitatio

I'm experiencing dizziness along with chest pain,pains and tingling sensation like electric shocks in both upper & lower limbs,headaches frequently,back pain like shoulders area,and lower back pain.I had medical history of psychiatric medication like paroxetine 12.5 mg since three years and stopped recently two months ago on doctor's advice by tapering the dose.I was fine for one month.I thought these are my regukar symptoms.But since a month these symptoms are much more frequent occuring and additional symptoms like dizziness,pin needle senstations in fingers of all the limbs,shoulder pains,chest pain,muscle pains in limbs,headaches ,palpitations.I had undergone several cardiac tests like ECG, 2D Echo, troponin I, TMT, ultrasound,etc several times and all came normal.What could be the possible reasons

Unable to sleep

From few months or 2-3 years , I can't sleep before 4-5 Am no matter I try , But I want to get to sleep early or change this current habit , Also recently I saw about sleeping gummies that it is not habit forming like sleeping pills , So Should I take these melatonin gummies for my problem? Are there any side effects ? If no , which brand and how much mg you recommend