Redness in the eyes that is accompanied primarily with a yellowish discharge is a manifestation of the condition called conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is essentially an inflammation of the conjunctiva (membrane lining covering the white of eye). This infection warrants looking at homeopathic medicines as a safe and natural cure. The biggest plus point that homeopathic medicines enjoy over other traditional treatments for conjunctivitis is that their success is attained by employing the constitutional remedy internally. No external application is applied or recommended for treating conjunctivitis with the help of homeopathic remedies.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

The main symptoms arising from conjunctivitis include redness, swelling, itching, and watering from the eyes. In viral conjunctivitis, the eye discharge is thin and watery, while in bacterial conjunctivitis the discharges are thick, mucopurulent varying from yellow to green color. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are highly contagious. Other symptoms of conjunctivitis include agglutinated and sticky eyelids from eye discharge, a gritty sensation in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. In allergic conjunctivitis, sneezing, and nasal discharges may accompany the eye symptoms. This is termed as allergic rhino conjunctivitis.

Benefits of homeopathic medicines in curing conjunctivitis

Homeopathic medicines for conjunctivitis are highly effective natural medicines. They can well manage the eye discharges, the swelling, redness and gritty sensation in the eyes. Homeopathic medicines help in quick recovery from conjunctivitis. If taken well in time, they shorten the disease course. They are safe to use without any side-effects.