Mental Health


Mom is having relationship with a guy.

Hi, My mom got divorced 5 year ago. I found she is having relationship with guy of my age and she has no guilt of it. She says it is casual and she hookup with random people. I feel turmoiled that how can i stop her. It is becoming so embaracing. My insta id : wilderness_zone72 Cant reveal my name. But need advise.
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Phobia for health

Hi sir, please need solution, i dont know one month back i was go hospital not well that time doctor check bp was 160/90 so doctor told, i dont know when go to bp check i have fear tension negetive think, not remove, bp phobia, i told to the doctor, doctor told to fear and tension high dont worry your bp normal, but my maind not taken only thiking bp, google search and article for bp cheaking, i bought bp machine, when check d Fear and tension that time high 3or 4time it will normal bp was normal, tolly akway thinking bp only sir, i will think am. Death bp negitive think please how to remove my maind this bp phobia sir
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Stress overload and insomnia

I'm always stress, angry , shouting, worry to much , easily get emotional, and angry ,cry a lot ,always in tense, it's been 1 year a, I'm always angry , and stress in my head , I never feel relaxed, nothing makes me happy anymore, also having hard time in I going crazy?
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Severe Depression and Overthinking

I have severe hate and anger on my father as he is very harsh and cruel on my granny. He everyday used to shout everyone in the house for silly reasons. His harsh voice is giving me ache not only to my ear but even my heart and brain also. My mother is always in the favour of my father and doesn't stopping him to do so. Whenever I tried to explain on this to my mother, she always used to ignore my explanation. I know it is not my business to interfere in household problems, so I continously kept quiet since childhood. But my heart is crying always that why my father is so harsh. He used to give badwords to her for no reasons everyday and talk with her in very worst manner. I hate my parents due to this but still, I can't able to do anything for my granny. Due to this, my mind got imbalanced & I am dealing with severe anger and depression and waiting for justice. Am I wrong? I can't able to see this now and I am fed up of my life because, my mind and heart are not letting me to bear.
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Can't fall to sleep at night

Since last 3 days I am not able to fall to sleep at night. From 10 to 3 Pm I just try falling to sleep in vain. Never happened before ..this is the first time..I am yawning..but still not sleeping is so frustrating also..the maid comes at 6 am so I am getting max 3 hours of sleep Feeling restless and frustrated pls help
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Melatonin tolerance

Does melatonin also develop tolerance like other sleep medicines for example clonazepam and some other? Or it doesn't develop tolerance
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Emotional imbalance

I 'm having an emotional imbalance accompanied by outburts. I also experience  lack of motivation in anything I do. My mind has become slow in processing things. Not able to concentrate, even I have become more forgetful which has never happened.Im always stressed. Is it depression?
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Getting off olanzapine

So my mother has been on olanzapine 2.5mg since the last 5 months now. And my psychiatrist is gonna tell her to be on that for a few more months most probably. Now I'm worried about the withdrawal symptoms when we'll try to get her off the medicine since it has been so many months that she's taking that medicine.
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Low concentration and social anxiety

Does Saraswataristha help to overcome anxiety and improve concentration? If yes, which brand should it take? Because there are many brands and differences in pricing as well.
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About symptoms

Hello doctor, I have symptoms like burning sensation in the body from last 2 years , I had done with NCV test for neuropathy,Its normal and I am under treatment of psychiatrist from last 1 year, after taking antidepressants the burning sensation symptoms stops but if I miss dose of medication it starts hurting so is this symptoms are psychological? Means I have only depression,no diabetes,vit b12 d3 normal please refer attach reports
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