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Major Crossmatch Tube Method Blood

Also known as Major Crossmatch Tube Method Blood
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What is this test?

There are two types of cross-matches: Major cross-match: This is the most important cross-match, comparing donor erythrocytes to recipient serum (i.e. you are checking for preformed (acquired or naturally occurring) antibodies in recipient serum against donor erythrocytes. The crossmatch is the final step of pretransfusion testing as a routine procedure. A portion of donor blood is combined with patient plasma or serum and is checked for agglutination, which would signify incompatible blood.

Also known as Major Crossmatch Tube Method.

Test Preparation

No special preparation is needed for Major Crossmatch Tube Method Blood. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Major Crossmatch Tube Method Blood. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.

Understanding your test results

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsAgglutination indicates incompatibility

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Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Navi Mumbai, Thane,  Gurgaon.