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ASO Titre

Also known as Antistreptolysin Titre Automated Blood
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What is this test?

Antistreptolysin Titre test is performed on a sample of blood to measure the level of Antistreptolysin Titre in the blood.It is performed to confirm Kidney Disorder, Rheumatic Fever and Streptococcal Infection and also during the treatment and after the treatment of Kidney Disorder, Rheumatic Fever and Streptococcal Infection.

Also known as ASOT Automated Blood, Antistreptolysin O Titre Automated Blood, ASLO Titre Test, ASO Titre Test, ASO test, ASLO Test, Antistreptolysin O Titre, Antistreptolysin Titre, ASLO Titre, ASOT Test, Antistreptolysin O Test.

Test Preparation

Inform your doctor if you are on any medications, have any allergies or underlying medical conditions before your ASO Titre. Your doctor will give specific instructions depending on your condition on how to prepare for ASO Titre.

Understanding your test results

GenderAge groupsValue
OTHERAll age groupsA value that is >200IU is considered positive

Popular Health Checkup Packages

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Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Navi Mumbai, Thane,  Gurgaon.