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Allergy Soyabean Radio Immunoabsorbent Skin

Also known as Allergy Soyabean Radio Immunoabsorbent Skin
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What is this test?

This test helps to find whether an individual is allergic to soya bean or not. In this test, a solution containing allergen soya bean is applied to the skin. Then the applied area of the skin is pricked with a lancet needle.

What is the Soya bean?

Soya bean is also called as soybean or Soja bean. Soya bean provides proteins and is used widely across the world. They do not contain any starch or cholesterol. They also contain omega-3 fats which help in reducing the risk of developing heart disease. They also have a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin-B, vitamin-D, zinc, calcium etc. Soya beans have antioxidant properties.

What is a Soya bean allergy?

Soya bean allergy is a type of allergy in which an individual is allergic to the soya bean and may suffer from symptoms such as abdominal pain, itching, and swelling of the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, runny nose, wheezing, difficulty in breathing etc.

In severe allergic condition, an individual may suffer from life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

Why this test is performed?

This test is performed to check whether an individual is allergic to soya bean or not. The doctor may ask you to undergo this test if you are suffering from symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, swelling of the mouth, skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, wheezing, runny nose etc.

Test Preparation

No special preparation is needed for Allergy Soyabean Radio Immunoabsorbent Skin. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Allergy Soyabean Radio Immunoabsorbent Skin. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.

Understanding your test results

The test results may be different depending on gender, age, and health conditions. Inform your doctor if you have any other allergies.

Generally, there is no need for medical interventions if test results are normal.

If the test results are negative it may indicate that there is no wheal and flare type reaction. So, the individual is not allergic to soya bean.

Wheal-and-flare reaction is the swelling and redness of the skin.

In case the test results are positive it may indicate that there is a wheal-and-flare type reaction on the skin. A wheal with a diameter of 3mm or more is generally considered as a positive result which means the individual is allergic to soya bean.

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsA wheal and flare reaction of atleast 3mm indicates that the patient is allergic to the substance

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