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Afb Mtb - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine

Also known as Afb Mtb - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine
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What is this test?

The susceptibility of six different genera of organisms to ciprofloxacin was determined by the tube macrodilution, broth microdilution and the agar dilution methods. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin determined by the broth microdilution and the agar dilution methods correlated well with each other, but in general the tube macrodilution technique gave somewhat higher results. Raising the initial inoculum of the tested organisms from 1 105 to 1 107 cfu/ml did not result in a significant increase in the minimal inhibitory or bactericidal concentrations of ciprofloxacin.

Also known as Acid Fast Bacilli MTb - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine, AFB Sensitivity - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine.

Test Preparation

No special preparation is needed for Afb Mtb - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Afb Mtb - Ciprofloxacin Broth Dilution Random Urine. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.

Understanding your test results

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsA result where the drug is sensitive indicates that the patient responds to this antibiotic

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