So what is this new thing called ‘Rubber Dam’ A rubber dam is a square piece of thin latex (non-latex is available as well ) material that is used during dental procedures especially during RCT. If this is all to it, why do so many dentists in the western world emphasize so much on using one? 

We at 32 Intact Dental use rubber dams as a standard protocol to keep the area of operation free of contaminating bacteria which can lower the success of the root canal treatment. It also prevents saliva from interfering with the dental work and keeps the materials used for filling your tooth dry. 

Some of you might find it uncomfortable but rest assured that your airways are undisturbed to help you breathe easily. The usage of rubber dams makes the entire procedure safer as instruments, endodontic irrigants and other solutions cannot be swallowed accidentally. So let's fix your tooth in a safe and effective manner. #BetterPractises #BetterDentistry

Dr Reuben Joseph, MDS
