Sacroiliac Joint Complex
The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) complex is widely being recognized as a major source of chronic lower back pain. In SIJ complex pain, patients tend to complain of buttock pain but can experience leg pain of involved side as well. Many times this is confused with radicular pain(sciatica) or facet joints pain. The SIJ complex consists of an articular region, a posterior ligamentous region, a posterior ligamentous region which supports the joints. Neural (nerve) innervations are found in both the posterior capsule of the joint and in the posterior sacroiliac and interosseous ligaments. Till now many doctors have used intra-articular (inside joints) injections to both provide relief and to confirm SIJ complex as a source of a low backache. Why endoscopic sacral neurotomy better than conventional RF or Injections.
Results from scientific studies have demonstrated, peri-articular structures contribute more to SIJ complex pain than articular region. This suggests peri-articular ligamentous structures as better targets for SIJ pain treatment. The SIJ complex is innervated by L5-S4 nerves of that side and its locations are quite variable in the individual. Current treatment modality such as radiofrequency neurotomy of nerve at periforaminal region is less effective as compared to endoscopic sacral neurotomy. Advantages in Endoscopic neurotomy nerves are ablated under direct vision, thus gives a better outcome.
We can say with surety that Endoscopic Sacral Neurotomy is the most effective way of treating chronic low back pain associated with the sacroiliac joint complex.