According to ayurveda eating order of food should be according to taste which is- sweet, sour, salt, pungent , bitter and astringent.

* For good health eat food with all 6 tastes. Foods dominant with only one or two taste can be cause of many health problems. 

Q-So sweet should be the first thing to eat? 

A. Yes, opposite to present culture where most of the people eat sweet as a last part of their meal, Ayurveda instructs anything which tastes sweet should be eaten first as they are dominated by earth and water elements which are heavy by nature and due to it they are heavy to digest, at starting of meal digestive strength is maximum which helps to digest sweet tasting food( sugar, rice, wheat, etc) easily. We have tradition also to serve sweet first, by eating sweet at the end of meal reduces digestive fire, cause slow metabolism which is the main cause of many diseases including obesity , thyroid  gland disorders, PCOS etc.

* Sweet taste also has property of mukha upalep (coating) which is also not good for oral health if eaten in last.

Q. So what should be taken in end of meal?

A. Buttermilk which is astringent in taste helps in digestion of food and also cleans mouth. Betel leaf or betel nuts can also be eaten.