The Vampire Facelift is a procedure developed for people who want healthy, youthful, and rejuvenated skin, but done quickly and without surgery. This procedure is able to do this by harnessing your own body’s healing and regenerative properties. The Vampire Facelift is an outpatient procedure, and results can be experienced on the same day, with continual benefit of skin regeneration lasting for months—even over a year—after the procedure.The Vampire Facelift is actually not a surgical facelift at all, but rather a type of skin treatment using the body’s own natural healing and growth factors that are derived from your own blood (hence the name The Vampire Facelift)

What is a Vampire Facelift?

The VampireFacelift is a “designer procedure” developed as a way to enhance volume in the face using a combination of hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich fibrin matrix, which is a thicker form of platelet-rich-plasma.The key ingredient of the Vampire Facelift is platelet-rich fibrin matrix, which is derived from the patient’s own blood before being mixed with other factors. Platelet-rich fibrin matrix starts with a blood draw, just like any normal blood test.The platelet-rich plasma (#PRP) is then separated by spinning the patient’s blood through a centrifuge. 

How does Vampire Facelift work?

 It stimulates the production of collagen and for tissue regeneration.These properties makes platelet-rich fibrin matrix an ideal natural serum for rejuvenating facial skin quality and volume with increased collagen production, blood supply, and new skin and fatty tissue generation, creating that youthful appearance that comes with healthier skin.

How can get this treatment ?

Candidates for The Vampire FaceliftThe Vampire Facelift is not for everyone. People with more advanced signs of ageing may benefit more from surgical treatment and/or Botox applications. People with less visible signs of aging may benefit from using less extensive non-surgical procedures like hyaluronic acid fillers and platelet-rich plasma alone. 

Which area can be treated with Vampire Facelift?

Areas treated by the Vampire Facelift

  • Lines at corners of the mouth
  • “Bunny lines” or “bunny nose” — dynamic wrinkles on the nose
  • Crow’s feet (lines in corners of the eyes)
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Frown lines
  • Smile lines
  • Plumping of the cheeks

How the Vampire Facelift Helps You Look Younger?

The face ages in two ways:

  1. There is loss of volume from bone, muscle, fat, and skin. This can make the under eye area and cheeks look flat and hollow. The skin can look dull or gray instead of being rosy as it was when younger.
  2. The loss of support of the skin results in drooping upper eyelids, lower eyelids, cheeks, jowls and sagging neck skin (“turkey neck”). Hyaluronic Acid Fillers may add for Youthful Volume

Photos source - Internet 

Dr. Jangid 

MD Skin