Vaginal laxity is a health and self-esteem issue for many women, although not many want to talk about it. 

The term refers to a “looseness” in the vagina. Women with this problem often lose sexual satisfaction because there is less vaginal sensation during intercourse. Some women then lose confidence, concerned that a compromised sex life will have a negative impact on their relationships.

Even though it’s a very common health issue, many women are reluctant to discuss it. Even fewer explore treatment options with their health providers. But there are some tried-and-true traditional solutions and high-tech treatments that can greatly improve most cases of vaginal laxity.

Causes Of Vaginal Laxity

• Vaginal childbirth which stretches muscles, tendons and vaginal walls.

• After many years of sexual intercourse/ 1+ abortions

• A drop in estrogen levels caused by menopause

• Decreased estrogen production caused by health issues

• Aging muscles and tendons creating a weakened pelvic floor

• Genetic, physical structure

A drop in estrogen production causes the vaginal walls become thinner and less elastic, causing laxity as the vaginal canal and tissues around the vaginal opening to lose their strength and structure.

As we age, muscles and tendons in the pelvic area weaken and offer less support to the vagina and other pelvic organs, which is why vaginal laxity is often accompanied by urinary incontinence and even digestive issues.

Of course, vaginal childbirth can cause vaginal laxity and pregnancy-related pelvic floor issues. Even women who have C-section deliveries can experience changes to their vagina and other pelvic organs caused by the strains of pregnancy. Less common causes are inherited disorders, such as lowered collagen production, excess body weight and vaginal trauma unrelated to childbirth.

Symptoms Of Vaginal Laxity

Women may realize vaginal laxity is an issue but may not know that other symptoms they are experiencing are related to a weakened and loose vaginal canal.

Symptoms can include:

• Decreased sexual satisfaction

• Insufficient lubrication

• Loss of confidence

• Loss of sensation during sexual intercourse

• Pain during intercourse

• Urinary incontinence

• For women who have issues that will not respond to laser treatments, there are surgical options that can improve vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence. Your urogynecologist may suggest surgery such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, or perineoplasty to tighten the structure of the vagina and surrounding supportive structures.

• Don’t hesitate to discuss vaginal laxity or any intimate health issues with the supportive and expert team at Pushpaa Hospital. Treatment may be far easier than you think. 

Our greatest goal is for you to live your happiest, most confident and fulfilling life. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about vaginal laxity treatment options.

It's very important to know the difference between Vaginal Rejuvenation Vs. Pelvic Floor Reconstruction

A recent development in pelvic floor surgery is the advent of Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery.  This may mean different things to different people.  As a pelvic floor surgeon, it is part of the treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction.  

When the pelvic floor is damaged by childbirth and further affected by hormone changes and gravity, it may become necessary to perform reconstructive surgery of the vagina. 

 As part of the correction of prolapse and incontinence, the overall health of the vaginal support structures must be assessed and corrected.  

This often results in a return to a more normal vaginal anatomy, a narrowing of the vaginal opening, and a reconstruction of the space between the vaginal and rectal openings.  This treats the gaping vaginal opening caused by childbirth.

The wall of the vagina between the rectum and vagina (recto-vaginal septum) is reinforced (rectocele repair) as is the vaginal wall between the bladder and vagina (cystocele repair).  

A perineorrhaphy or reconstruction of the episiotomy tissues is the final piece of the puzzle.  

Reconstructing this area results in more sensation during sexual intercourse for the woman and her partner as well as enhanced muscle control in many cases.

Although these procedures result in better anatomy, better sexual function and better physiologic function (better urination and sensation), they may also result in better appearance because when our anatomy is more normal, we feel more normal. 

 All the procedures described above are indicated surgeries although they may be scheduled electively, at a time that suits the patient. 

These procedures are covered by most insurance policies as they are for real diagnoses. This should not be confused with “vaginal plastic surgery” which is often described as vaginal rejuvenation.  

These procedures are frequently not covered by insurance and are not related to the anatomy or function of the vagina but only appearance. 

 Whereas reconstructive surgery can result in a better appearance, rejuvenation surgery does not necessarily result in a better function.

Labioplasty or surgical adjustment of the lips of the vagina is rarely necessary.  I have performed labial surgery in cases where the two lips of the vulva are uneven or exceptionally elongated.  Otherwise, normal variations are just that, normal variations and should be left as is.  Tampering too much with the labia can lead to scarring, areas of numbness, prolonged swelling, pain, and sometimes no improvement in sexual function. Vaginal reconstruction is an effective tool in restoring normal sexual function and anatomy as well as improved appearance.  Consulting with a urogynecologist will result in the best possible outcome.  I recommend discussing your concerns with your gynaecologist or requesting a referral to a specialist.