Allergies can be imprisoning. They can make it impossible to go for a walk in the country,  and even make it difficult to go outside. Some allergy sufferers can’t visit their friends who have pets, and many others can’t eat their favourite foods. Even the pleasures and benefits of exercise are difficult because some allergy sufferers’ noses run more than they do. A runny or stuffy nose leads to mouth breathing, then a dry mouth, then less efficient breathing, and then less efficient overall functioning. A domino effect is set up, and the allergy sufferer is knocked down.

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding about allergies is the assumption that the allergen (the cat, the pollen, the dust mite, or whatever) is the problem. Actually, the allergen is simply the trigger, while the allergic person’s body is the loaded gun. Rather than just treating symptoms or avoiding the allergen, the best course is to take action to strengthen the body’s own immune and defence system. Naturopathy helps empty the loaded gun or simply make it shoot blanks. 

You can treat seasonal allergies with homeopathy, a natural system of medicine that supports the body’s intrinsic healing capacity on a subtle level. It is inexpensive, and when prescribed according to individual needs by a qualified homeopath, it can be highly effective.

The key to choosing the correct remedy is always the same. Homeopathy is based on the paradoxical theory that “like cures like.” Match the characteristic symptoms of the patient to the characteristic symptoms produced by the remedies - choosing the remedy with the most similar characteristics - and you will have a happy outcome every time.


Allium cepa (common onion)

Since onions are known to cause tearing of the eyes and running of the nose, it is wonderfully effective in treating such symptoms when given in homeopathic micro doses. Specifically, people who will benefit from Allium cepa experience a profuse, fluent, burning nasal discharge which is worse in a warm room and better in the open air. They have a profuse, bland (non-burning) tearing from the eyes with reddened eyes, and will desire to rub their eyes frequently. They experience a raw feeling in the nose with a tingling sensation and violent sneezing. A frontal congestive headache may be concurrent with their allergy symptoms. These symptoms tend to exacerbate after damp winds.

Arsenicum album (arsenic, the mineral)

Burning tears and nasal discharge which are often worse on the right side characterize the symptoms related to Arsenicum album. These people’s symptoms are worse at and after midnight. They are very chilly and feel better in general in a warm room. These people are sensitive to light, have violent sneezing, and may develop asthmatic breathing.

Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright, an herb)

People who need Euphrasia have the opposite symptoms as those who need Allium cepa:they have profuse burning tears from the eyes and a bland nasal discharge. Their eyes water so much the person looks awash in tears. The whites of the eye and the cheeks become reddened from the burning tears. The eye symptoms are worse in the open air. The profuse bland nasal discharge is worse at night, while lying down, and in windy weather.

Nux Vomica (poison nut, a seed from a tree)

When an allergy sufferer is particularly irritable and chilly and has a fluent nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night, Nux vomica should be their remedy. Their symptoms tend to be worse indoors and better in the open air. They are sensitive to the cold and to being uncovered. Frequent sneezing may be experienced. Their symptoms sometimes begin after being irritated, vexed, or fatigued. 

Natrum muriaticum (common table salt)

Try this remedy when you have a watery or egg-white-like nasal discharge; paroxysms of sneezing; chapped lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth; dark circles under the eyes; headaches.

Pulsatilla (windflower, an herb)

These people have a nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night. People who need Pulsatilla have congestion which is worse in a warm room, hot weather, or while lying down, and is relieved in cool rooms, open air, or with cool applications. They tend to have itching at the roof of their mouth at night. They tend to be without thirst.


Symptoms for this remedy include an itchy nose; violent, debilitating sneezing; runny eyes that become worse in cold outdoor air and from flower pollen; symptoms are better from warm drinks and warm rooms.


Try this remedy when you experience extreme itching in the throat and palate that can extend to the ears; or a sore throat with hoarseness.