Atopic dermatitis/ Eczema is a chronic (long-lasting) disease that affects the skin. It is not contagious, it cannot be passed from one person to another. The word “dermatitis” means inflammation of the skin. “Atopic” refers to a group of diseases in which there is often an inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever.


  • Avoid hot water bath, use warm water
  • Avoid soaps 
  • Avoid prolonged wetting of skin, finish bath within 5 minutes and pat dry with a soft towel
  • Avoid rubbing the skin with a towel 
  • Use moisturising cream immediately after the bath (on the moist skin )
  • Moisturise at least three times a day


  • Use loose cotton clothes and avoid wool, scratchy fabrics and light clothes
  • In cold weather use many layers of clothes rather than wool
  • Avoid perfumes/deodorants and cosmetics 


  • If any food item seems to worsen the skin condition, keep a food diary and discuss with your doctor regarding avoiding them
  • Common allergens are eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, shellfish, and fish
  • Hydrolysed formulas should not be offered to infants in preference to breast milk for the prevention of atopic eczema
  • Do not use diets based on unmodified proteins of other species' milk (for example, goat's or sheep's milk) or partially hydrolysed formulas for the treatment of suspected cow's milk allergy
  • Diets including soy protein can be offered to children aged over 6 months with specialist dietary advice

General instructions:

  • Avoid scratching your body. If you feel like scratching apply moisturising cream and take antihistamines if needed
  • Attempt to distract the child with activities to keep him or her from scratching
  • Keep nails short
  • Use cotton gloves if needed to stop scratching 
  • Use humidifiers in room especially air-conditioned rooms 
  • Avoid excessive sweating and exercise in hot/humid weather 
  • Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Keep child away from dust/sand. (Avoid using sofas/carpets curtains etc. where dust accumulates) Identify and remove irritants and allergens
  • Avoid pets /animals 
  • Recognize and limit emotional stress.

Sites of Atopic eczema according to the age.