For everything from anxiety to a sore knee or even infertility, there are over 2.3 million acupuncture treatments carried out every year by British Acupuncture Council members. But despite its popularity, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding the complementary medicine – and a lot of the time these can put people off.

1. Is acupuncture painful?

In a word, no.“Everybody experiences traditional acupuncture differently, however, acupuncture needles are so fine that many people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a minor sensation or a ‘tingling’ feeling. However, once the needles are placed, most people will feel deeply relaxed.”

2. How big are the needles used in acupuncture?

“Being trypanophobic (scared of needles) is very common and acupuncturists face this all the time. There is a common misconception that acupuncture needles are the same as medical needles. This is not true. Acupuncture needles are as fine as human hair and their appearance does not resemble a medical needle.”

3. What can acupuncture help with?

One of the most popular reasons for people seeking acupuncture is to help with infertility problems, but there’s a whole host of other conditions it can help with.“Whether it’s emotional or physical, acupuncture can help with a majority of conditions ranging from anxiety and depression to joint pain and migraine/tension headaches.”Some reports even claim it can help stave off dementia, however, this claim has been criticised

4. Who can and can’t have acupuncture?

Everyone can have it, regardless of age. “There is no age limit for acupuncture. Acupuncturists are experienced in treating any age, ranging from infants to the elderly, and each treatment is tailored to the individual.”