Today’s morning mid-meal fruit is Sitaphal (Custard apple).
Some people say that Sitaphal is high in fats and sugar and should be avoided by diabetics. But let me use this platform to very clearly state that fruits contain fibre. This would slow down the release of glucose into your blood. Slow glucose release means that insulin can act slowly and steadily as well. Having sweets and chocolates causes the blood glucose to rise rapidly; not a natural fruit!
Also, Sitaphal is a good fruit to include as it contains Vitamin C and iron both. Iron is important for our body in umpteen ways (fights infection, contributes to overall strength and energy) and the presence of Vitamin C helps the iron to be absorbed better.
Other health benefits of custard apple are:
- Excellent source of energy which helps fight exhaustion and muscle weakness.
- Good source of B vitamins which calm us down and alleviate our stress and tension.
- Well balanced ratio of sodium and potassium regulates and controls our blood pressure.
- Niacin and fibre reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol levels of the body.
- High amount of antioxidants to keep infections at bay.
And these are only some of the benefits.
Happy snacking!