Cigarette smoking is addicting. This is the prime reason why after many trials smokers find it extremely difficult to quit smoking, even with an awareness of the oral health risks masqueraded by this habit. Once you start smoking, it becomes a regular habit. For many, it may take a lifetime to be able to quit nicotine addiction. Though people try to quit smoking, that is quite a very temporary move.  


People who smoke are more likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers. This happens because smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream so infected gums do not heal. This can speed up the effects of gum disease, which can then lead to tooth loss.  


Smoking is a main contributing factor to tooth loss in the world. Smoking can aggravate the effects of gum disease and lead to periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease. If left untreated, the bone in the jaw may be damaged and small spaces can open up between the gum and teeth.This may then result in teeth becoming loose and falling out. It includes sombre obliteration of the tissues around teeth.  


It is a chronic, inflammatory disease followed by destruction of periodontal tissues. Oral biofilm with anaerobic microorganisms represents main etiological factor for occurrence of periodontal disease, but cigarette smoking is basic risk factor for development of chronic periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is three times more frequent in smokers than in non-smokers, regardless the level of oral hygiene.  

(1). Disease quicker progresses in smokers than in non-smokers.  

 (2). Cigarette smoking is connected with more frequent appearance and progression of aggressive periodontal disease, with deeper periodontal pockets, alveolar bone lost and tooth lost. 

 (3). Cigarette smoking could mask an early inflammatory signs of gingivitis and periodontal disease, particularly the propensity of the gingiva to bleed on brushing, or following periodontal probing. 


As per a study, more than 93% of oropharyngeal cancers (cancer in the gullet part of the throat) are caused by smoking, and if a person smokes they are six times more likely to get oral cancer than non-smokers. However, if a person quits smoking the risk of cancer begins to decrease even if they have been a heavy smoker. After 20 years smoke-free the odds of getting cancer is the same as a non-smoker.  


 Nicotine and tar found in all cigarettes can creates horrid stains that are tough to eradicate from the teeth. With prolonged smoking the teeth become yellow. This discolouration can begin shortly after starting to smoke and long-term heavy smokers often find that their teeth are almost brown.As you smoke the nicotine and tar settle into the oral cavity and seeps through microscopic openings in the enamel, resulting in yellow or brown teeth.


If a person smokes chances of deposition of calculus on the teeth increases many a fold. With continued smoking the calculus anchors and accumulate plaque formation. There is a strong and independent association between tobacco smoking and supragingival calculus deposition. 


   Smoking delays the healing of wounded mouth tissues. If you have a ulcer/boil,it will take additional time to heal as compared to a non-smoker. If gone unattended, it may result into oral cancer.


Smoking is the major cause of bad mouth odour. Tar and nicotine residue from cigarettes adhere to the teeth, gums, tongue, and side of the cheeks. The chemicals in cigarettes linger in the mouth and lungs for hours, causing what is known as smoker's breath. Saliva is an essential fluid produced by the body that keeps the mouth, tongue, throat, and digestive system working optimally. Research shows that smoking may increase the activity of salivary glands when people first begin to smoke, however, long-term use reduces the salivary flow rate. Inadequate saliva enables the proliferation of bacteria that causes halitosis and xerostomia.  


 Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The air sacs in the lungs become damaged and stretched, leading to a chronic cough and difficulty breathing. Smoking is the most common cause of Emphysema.