Teething is the process of teeth moving and breaking out through the gums. This is a normal developmental stage for your baby.A baby's first tooth usually appears between the ages of 5 and 7 months. Some babies get their first tooth a little earlier and others a little later. Often, the two middle bottom teeth come through the gums first,followed by the middle four upper teeth. By the time children are 30 months (2 and 1/2 years) of age, all 20 baby teeth are usually present.

Symptoms of Teething:

The   following   are   the   most   common   symptoms   of   teething. However, each baby may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

⦁ drooling more than usual - drooling may start as early as 3 or 4 months of age, but is not always a sign of teething.

⦁ constantly putting fingers or fists in the mouth.

⦁ swollen or puffy area on the gums.

⦁ fussiness or crankiness.

Teething does not cause colds, diarrhoea or high fever, but it can make a baby uncomfortable. If your baby becomes sick around the same time teeth are coming in, it is important to evaluate the symptoms of that illness independently of the teething. Visit your child's physician if the child is sick.

Help for your child

If your baby is cranky with teething, try giving him/her hard rubber toys, teething rings, or cold teething toys to chew on. Do not freeze teething toys or rings as these can hurt your baby's gums. You can also rub your baby's gum gently with your finger. Something cold on  the gums usually soothes and numbs the gums better. Ask your dental surgeon about pain relieving gels.

Care of Baby Teeth

Once your baby gets a tooth, good dental care should begin. Clean your baby's teeth once a day with a soft, wet cloth. At twelve months of age, a small, soft toothbrush with water can be used. As your child gets older, a small dab of toothpaste can be used on the toothbrush. Consult your child's dental surgeon regarding the best time for your child to begin using a toothpaste.

Remember not to ignore the care for baby teeth as they play an important role till the time the permanent teeth appear in the mouth.