TEETHING   is difficult for babies or parents. Some babies’ teeth erupt with no problems at all but for others, it could be a long and painful process.

  Teething Signs And Symptoms

 Common symptoms are difficulty sleeping, decrease in appetite, little temprature and increased drooling. While the average time teeth begin to appear is around 4 to 6 months, teething can begin anywhere between three and 12 months.

How to make Your Child Comfortable  during teething

  • Massage their gums.  
  • Use teething rings or toys. Even a simple chilled washcloth will work.  When chilling toys or rings, remember to refrigerate instead of freeze.OR Refrigerated carrot also works
  • Relieve pain with medication

Once Teeth Appear, Take Proper Care Of Them

 we recommend taking your child to the dentist as soon as the first tooth appears and no later than their first birthday.  Your dentist will give you recommendations for brushing and preventive measures to be taken.