For 15 years, Sandeep and Dipti, residents of Jaipur, they visited many Docor's & Clinics for children's happiness. Frustrations took place everywhere Many doctors in Delhi showed up, many advised to take an egg donor.The reason why many did not conceive of their pregnancy was the reason for the obesity of Dipti. Success was not found in AIIMS also. Finally they met IVF Expert Dr.Richika Sahay Shukla On the first visit to Dr. Richika, she got confidence after seeing her confidence and transparency, she would reach the right place. Dr. Richika's faith and her positive energy increased the confidence of these couples and finally Dipti could conceive from the IVF done by Dr. Richika, she too from her egg. But another crisis of Dipti was waiting for him. A water bag of one of the twins in the womb of Dipti was torn apart in the fifth month. It was Risky for both the mother and the child. Dipti had to get admitted in the hospital for one month, and then two children who were born in the womb of Dipti for the sixth month of pregnancy were released out. Preterm Baby was kept in the NICU for three months. Now the both babiesare healthy Happiness has come in the homes of Dipti and Sandeep.