Many people simply have sensitive teeth. It’s a condition that is also frequently experienced by those who have recently undergone a dental procedure.

Sensitive toothpastes are specially formulated to address this problem. They contain ingredients (usually potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride) to prevent sensitivity so you feel little or no discomfort when brushing.

Some people report that using a whitening toothpaste makes their teeth more sensitive. For this reason, many tooth-whitening pastes are now formulated for sensitive teeth.  Also, you can also help protect your sensitive teeth by using a soft or extra-soft bristle toothbrush in conjunction with sensitive toothpaste. This will help you feel comfortable enough to maintain your oral care routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing.

If your sensitive teeth are due to a temporary condition, such as recovery from a dental procedure, you might consider using a sensitive toothpaste during your recovery and then resume using your previous favorite toothpaste when your teeth have returned to normal.