The quadratus lumborum originates at the posterior third of the iliac crest and inserts into the inferior point of the 12th rib. This muscle becomes overactive when there is a lack of intrinsic core stability coming from the transverse abdominis. In ideal situations, the transverse abdominis acts as a cylindrical base to the spine giving it the support structure to stabilize in an upright manner. When its functional capacity becomes inhibited, the body will often times begin to bend laterally as a method of compensation. This phenomenon is usually a direct result of hip flexor tightness causing an anterior pelvic tilt.
The lower abdominals stretch during an anterior pelvic tilt, rendering the transverse abdominis into a weakened state. The quadratus lumborum will then take over in attempts to stabilize after the transverse abdominis has failed to. The problem is that this muscle is not structurally set up to stabilize the spine. The quadratus lumborum is often times the direct muscle in the lower back that will tighten or spasm when dysfunction in present.
Before putting pressure on this region, it is crucial to go through the order of all the myofascial release points. This will ensure that the quadratus lumborum muscles will become more responsive. Every time we release hip flexor musculature, it slowly communicates to the nervous system that a neutral spine is the new default. When this happens, it immediately pulls the quadratus lumborum out of its dysfunctionally overactive state, making it more accepting to the new inputs of information via the use of myofascial release.
Lay down on your side, positioning the lacrosse in an angular fashion in the lower back region. Apply pressure to the musculature on the lateral border of the lumbar spine. If you suffer from lower back pain, it is not advised to put pressure on here as most would intuitively go here for direct pain relief. It is best to address the structural elements of what could create lower back problems first, rather than fail in an attempt to get pain relief in a direct context.