Female fertility related issues are skyrocketing each year. One out of every five women is diagnosed by fertility related issues. Women aged around 30 to 40 years are more vulnerable to infertility compared to their younger counterpart, though younger women are not entirely safe. The desire of becoming a mother brings most women looking out for ART (Artificial Reproductive Technology). Most of them opt for IVF to have babies. But IVF doesn’t guarantees successful conception. As the woman ages the quality of her eggs or oocytes starts deteriorating. The eggs start to age as well resulting in repetitive failures in conception, naturally or through IVF.

However, a recent find says that these eggs can now be energized by adding a little battery to it. This process involves in sucking out the ‘mitochondria power packs ‘or cells from the younger or immature eggs and injecting them in the matured eggs. These rejuvenated eggs can then be used for IVF. This will certainly raise the chances of success to a great extent.

This process of rejuvenating the matured eggs with younger egg cells was pioneered in the US but was never brought into practical usage. However, a Fertility Clinic in the UK has recently applied to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) for the license to use the procedure as a pilot trial on 20 women going for IVF. The trial is likly to take place at the end of this year, provided the license is granted.

The success of this procedure will undoubtedly open doors for women suffering from fertility issues. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.