From disease risk to brain function and physical performance, a healthy diet is vital for every aspect of life.

Calories and energy balance are important, regardless of the composition of your diet.

Macronutrients are the three main nutrients needed in large amounts: carbs, fats and protein.    

  • Carbs: 4 calories per gram. All starchy foods like bread, pasta and potatoes. Also includes fruit, legumes, juice, sugar and some dairy products.     
  • Protein: 4 calories per gram. Main sources include meat and fish, dairy, eggs, legumes and vegetarian alternatives like tofu.     
  • Fats: 9 calories per gram. Main sources include nuts, seeds, oils, butter, cheese, oily fish and fatty meat.

Micronutrients are important vitamins and minerals that play key roles in your cells and organs. 

  •  Magnesium: Plays a role in over 600 cellular processes, including energy production, nervous system function and muscle contraction.   
  • Potassium: This mineral is important for blood pressure control, fluid balance and the function of your muscles and nerves.  
  • Iron: Primarily known for carrying oxygen in the blood, iron also has many other benefits, including improved immune and brain function.   
  • Calcium: An important structural component of bones and teeth, and also a key mineral for your heart, muscles and nervous system   
  • All vitamins: The vitamins, from vitamin A to K, play important roles in every organ and cell in your body.

Basing your diet on whole foods is an extremely effective but simple strategy to improve health and lose weight.    

Whole foods tend to be nutrient-dense and have a lower energy density. This means that they have fewer calories and more nutrients per serving than processed foods.    "whole foods" generally describes natural, unprocessed foods containing only one ingredient.     


Try to base your diet around these healthy food groups:    

  • Vegetables: These should play a fundamental role at most meals. They are low in calories yet full of important micronutrients and fiber.    
  • Fruits: A natural sweet treat, fruit provides micronutrients and antioxidants that can help improve health.  
  •  Meat and fish: Meat and fish have been the major sources of protein throughout evolution. They are a staple in the human diet, although vegetarian and vegan diets have become popular as well.
  • Nuts and seeds: These are one of the best fat sources available and also contain important micronutrients.
  • Eggs: Considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet, whole eggs pack a powerful combination of protein, beneficial fats and micronutrients .
  • Dairy: Dairy products such as natural yogurt and milk are convenient, low-cost sources of protein and calcium.
  • Healthy starches: For those who aren't on a low-carb diet, whole food starchy foods like potatoes, quinoa and Ezekiel bread are healthy and nutritious.
  • Beans and legumes: These are fantastic sources of fiber, protein and micronutrients.
  • Beverages: Water should make up the majority of your fluid intake, along with drinks like coffee and tea.Herbs and spices: These are often very high in nutrients and beneficial plant compounds.
  • While no food is strictly off limits, overeating certain foods can increase disease risk and lead to weight gain.
  • No food needs to be eliminated forever, but some foods should be limited or saved for special occasions. 

   Foods to Avoid Most of the Time

  • Sugar-based products: Foods high in sugar, especially sugary drinks, are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. 
  • Trans fats: Also known as partially hydrogenated fats, trans fats have been linked to serious diseases, such as heart disease. 
  • Refined carbs: Foods that are high in refined carbs, such as white bread, are linked to overeating, obesity and metabolic disease. 
  • Vegetable oils: While many people believe these are healthy, vegetable oils can disrupt your body's omega 6-to-3 balance, which may cause problems.  
  • Processed low-fat products: Often disguised as healthy alternatives, low-fat products usually contain a lot of sugar to make them taste better.