If the right acid-alkaline ratio is not maintained, all the healthy foods you eat will be contraindicative. That will reflect the blood pH, which in turn controls energy, assimilation of nutrients into the body, and overall vitality.

The pH (hydrogen ion) is measured on a scale of 1-14 which means seven is neutral. If your acid levels are 3.5, you have an acidity problem. If the pH value is maintained between 7.35-7.45, that is ideal. Anything less than 6 is highly acidic, while anything over 8 is more on the alkaline side.

Why is acidity bad?

  • Acidic blood prevents oxygen from reaching cells thereby causes malfunctioning, indigestion, and lowers energy production.
  • Acidic foods contribute to lowering the blood’s pH and cause kidney stones, an increased risk for cancer, prevent the liver from being able to detoxify, and an overall reduction of bone density. 
  • Acidic foods can also erode the stomach lining causing ulcers.
  • Acidifying foods also have the potential to cause cravings for more acidic foods. 
  • Eating less acidic food helps the body in retaining nutrients.

Acidic foods to avoid

  1. The acidic foods to avoid are meat as animal protein can be acidic once metabolized. Uric acid formation is not good for kidneys.
  2. Due to the dysfunctional mineral relationship, it’s better to avoid dairy products. 
  3. Grains are difficult to digest and create inflammation in the body, but also because they’re acidifying.
  4. Moderate consumption of legumes (mildly acidifying food) is advised.
  5. Limiting the consumption of eggs is better as they are uric-acid and mucus forming. Nuts are also on the acidic side, however, less in comparison. Nuts balance out your Omega 3s with Omega 6s, which is key. 
  6. Vegetable Oils are mildly acidifying.
  7. Alcohol is an acidifying food that, when metabolized, robs the body of alkalizing minerals such as magnesium.
  8. Coffee is acidic because it also requires the release of minerals from the body to be buffered when metabolized.
  9. White or refined sugar is highly acid-forming.

It’s almost impossible to completely avoid all acidic foods, therefore when consuming acidic foods, it’s about creating a balance between the acidity and alkalinity levels.

These are some things you can do when acidity flares up

  • Drink lots of water
  • Have lemon shots
  • Eat something raw
  • Green juices are magic
  • Try to keep the sugar, carbs, and oil intake less for the rest of the day or the next day
  • Chew slowly and properly
  • Eat only in a stress-free, restful environment
  • Breathe deeply
  • 20-30 minutes before eating the food drink a big glass of water
  • Sip water during the meal if you are comfortable
  • Sit upright and cross-legged if you can while eating

    Maintaining and managing acidity levels has become more important today than ever. With work from home leading to reduced physical activity & traveling, acidity is a common problem that we hear of every day.