Obesity is a serious health problem in the world today. People, regardless of their age, gender,place and class, are becoming obese by acquiring excessively high amount of fat in their body. Unfortunately, the number of obese sufferers is gigantic and as per a recent study about 28% of men and 27% of women in the world aged between 16 and 24 are obese. Similarly, about 76% of men and 68% of women aged between 55 and 64 are obese sufferers. Moreover, obese people have a 50-100% increased risk of death from all causes, which suggests that obesity has a higher rate of mortality.

Therefore, research is on to discover more and more effective weight loss treatments. Let’s take a look at some of the contemporary surgical and medical weight loss treatments at Radiance clinics , Bhubaneswar

Medical and Non-Surgical  Weight Loss Treatments at Radiance Clinics. A person with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 or between 25 and 29 with one or two diseases is considered as obese and s/he needs to decrease the body weight. Increasing various physical activities and reducing the calorie amount in the body is the primary method of protection against obesity. An effective weight loss treatment is always achieved by consulting for a long-term plan with your doctor. The available medical treatments are:

Pharmacological Interventions

These are the intensive options which are applied when both BMI and disease risk increase. This is one of the mostly applied medical weight loss treatment . In this category there are two types of medications such as Sibutramine (Reductil) and Orlistat (Xenical). These two medically approved drugs are meant to induce safe weight loss. Sibutramine is a combined serotonin-norepinephrine re uptake inhibitor, while Orlistat is a gastric lipase inhibitor. Orlistat helps block about one-third of the fat present in a meal. 

Surgical Interventions

 Liposuction -This surgical weight loss treatment removes excess fat deposits through a suction process and reduces the weight of the obese sufferer.

Non surgical weight loss programs

Radio frequency(RF) for cellulite & body contouring Radio frequency is a popular method for body fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite & stretch marks, with no pain,recuperation or healing time. It is ideal for those who have problem areas despite a healthy diet and exercise, who are not prepared to undergo a surgical procedure like liposuction. Radiance offers the latest new-generation RF treatments to cater to a wide range of body types. Laser Lipo as it is popularly called ,its done by a sophisticated machine which delivers RF energy .