Like all surgical procedures, dental implant surgery has certain benefits and risks. However, long-term side effects are unlikely. This is especially true when you receive treatment from an experienced practitioner, like Dr. Babita Sangwan. We can help you fully understand the benefits and risks of dental implants during a consultation at our Gurgaon clinic. At Signature Smiles Implants and Dental Care Center , we offer highly personalized care, and we use the latest treatment techniques. In this way, we can minimize your risk and ensure that you enjoy the many benefits of dental implants, including durability, stability, and preserved jawbone health.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants will actually replace your tooth roots. Because of this, they have a number of important benefits that no other type of restoration can provide.

1. Cosmetic Benefits

In addition to their many practical benefits, dental implants can also have important advantages for your appearance. 

  • Implant-supported restorations rest prefectly on your gums just like natural teeth
  • Restorations will blend seamlessly with your smile. 
  • High level of aesthetics for the Implant supported restoration.

2. Functional Benefits

Dental implants perform a function similar to a tooth root, and because they are anchored in the jaw, they offer the most stable support for restorations. Because of this effect, they have a number of important benefits

  • Support for your crown, bridge, or denture.
  • Completely restored oral function
  • No dietary restrictions. 
  • Your speech will also be clear and precise.

3. Health-related Benefits

Implants have another unparalleled benefit: they are the only type of restoration that can prevent jawbone recession. Healthy dental roots send regenerative signals to your jaw. 

  • Jaw will longer misses the stimulation because of the missing tooth.
  • Bone will not recede as implants replaces the orgiginal tooth perfectly.
  • Protect further tooth loss.
  • Maintain the overall facial structure.

Risks of Dental Implants

Although Implants are quite successful, but as we all know ,all surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. Few complications might occur following a dental implant surgery like:

  • Implant rejection
  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Sinus problem when improperly placed in the upper jaw
  • Infection at the implant tooth

Fortunately, these risks are quite rare. In fact, over the last two decades, implants have had an astonishing 95 percent success rate.These risks can be reduced when the procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon who properly prepares the treatment site and places the implants in the proper location. For example, bone grafts can increase the implant's likelihood of success, as well as specialized dental implant systems.

Implants have a remarkably high success rate, and with the guidance of a skilled dentist, long-term complications are rare. To learn more about whether implants are right for you and to schedule your consultation, contact Signature Smile Implant and Dental Care Center.