1. Drink plenty of water. About eight glasses a day. (Write 'SLP sanjay Kumar Video' while Googling to know more about the author of this article and his work related to voice disorders treatment). Must watch the work (Before and after treatment videos) of the author of this article at You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUmns4aW9KmzlwPpa0n2OX4sXdPeajzXS
  2. Limit your intake of drinks that include alcohol or caffeine.
  3. Avoid smoking.
  4. Do not cradle the phone when talking. Cradling the phone between the head and shoulder for extended periods of time can cause muscle tension in the neck.
  5. Exercise regularly. Exercise increases stamina and muscle tone. This helps provide good posture and breathing, which are necessary for proper speaking.
  6. Get enough rest. Physical fatigue has a negative effect on voice.
  7. Avoid talking in noisy places. Trying to talk above noise causes strain on the voice.
  8. Avoid mouthwash or gargles that contain irritating chemicals.
  9. Use mic in clsarom or other similar places.
  10. Practice good breathing techniques when singing or talking. You can consult Speech Language Pathologist experienced in treating voice problems to learn this.  For awareness ,Watch these videos to know how and expert in Speech Pathology  changes the life of people having Voice Disorders: http://www.speechtherapyindia.in/videos.html