1.Fat Burning Zone ( Max heart Rate=220-age)

Many people think if they workout in ideal Fat burning zone which is 55%-65% of MHR they will lose more fat. As per American Council on Exercise there is no perfect formula for MHR. As above mentioned formula over estimate MHR for young adults and underestimate for older ones.Researches suggest workout such as HIIT (High Intensity Interval training)  Burns more calories than Fat burning zone cardiac activity. As added bonus there is also an afterburn effect known as EPOC (Excess-Post exercise Oxygen Consumption which increases your metabolism and burn calories even after 36 hours of training

2.Stretching Prevents Injury

As per study done by Center for Disease control and prevention Proper warm up exercises which increases blood to the muscle helps in preventing injury. Stretching Do increases flexibility but most of the injury happens within the normal range of muscle work. Contrary to belief stretching results in acute reduction in muscle strength which can be upto 30%. Post workout stretching is advisable.

3.Cardio burns more Calories than weight training

Studies shows Weight training increases metabolism which can remain boosted even 36 hours post workout this increases number of calories burn. In the long Run you will gain more muscle which results in further increase in metabolism.4.Need to exercise everyday to be in shape When you are strength training your muscle needs 48-72 hours to recover but Cardio exercises can be done everyday.

5.Women need different exercise than men

Both Men and women needs to apply same general principles- weight training, a proper diet, enough rest to ensure recovery and cardio to supplement their program.Yes there are hormonal differences between the two but women should not be fearing weights.

6.No Pain, No Gain

Post exercise Soreness is good kind of pain which should go away in 24-48 hours post workout, But if you have real pain which last more than two days consult us at Aktivhealth.

7.More sweat means more calories burnt

Sweat is produced as a way to cool down when core body temperature is more and this doesn’t mean you are burning more calories. As your body becomes conditioned over time  you actually sweat less.

8.Machines gives accurate calorie Counts

As number of calorie burnt during exercise depends on number of factors such as weight , age gender, height, body fat percentage and fitness level. So it is impossible for these machine to calculate exact value these machines always give you a rough estimate.

9.Doing sit ups can get you six pack abs.

Spot Reduction (exercise working on one particular part) is a flawed notion. you can not get six pack abs only by doing sit ups. you need to have proper regimen of Aerobic , strength training and diet.

10.Running on  treadmill results in less injury 

Studies shows treadmill running results in Bouncier stride and sometimes people over stride as well which increases the risk of injury