All of us should try to follow Lord Krishna's eternal life changing bits of advice in Bhagwad Gita to become completely healthy.

CHAPTER 1: Wrong thinking is the only problem in life.

CHAPTER 2: Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems

CHAPTER 3: Selflessness is the only way to progress and prosperity.

CHAPTER 4: Every act can be an act of prayer.

CHAPTER 5: Abandon the ego of individuality & rejoice in the bliss of infinity.

CHAPTER 6: Connect to the higher consciousness daily.

CHAPTER 7: Live what you learn.

CHAPTER 8: Never give up on yourself.

CHAPTER 9: Value your blessings.

CHAPTER 10: See divinity in all around.

CHAPTER 11: Have enough surrender to see the truth as it is.

CHAPTER 12: Absorb your mind in the higher.

CHAPTER 13: Detach from Maya and attach to Divine.

CHAPTER 14: Live a lifestyle that matches your vision.

CHAPTER 15: Give priority to divinity.

CHAPTER 16: Being good is a reward in itself.

CHAPTER 17: Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power.

CHAPTER 18: Let Go, let's move to union with God.