According to recent reports, people spend an average of 4 to 6 hours a week taking selfies.  And each one is expected to take over 20000 to 30000 in their lifetime.The weight of the phone is not the concern. The repetition combined with the contortion of the elbow, held in unnatural positions while capturing the Selfie shots are actually what cause the problem!Further adding to elbow stress is the Selfie Stick.  Selfie Sticks extend up to 45 to 55 inches.  Positioning and maintaining balance of a phone on the Selfie Stick further exacerbates the stress on the elbow and now also unnaturally engages the wrist as well.Tendons work to anchor muscle to bone.  When the repetitive overuse and sometimes awkward positioning of the arm places continual stress (micro-trauma) on the muscles and tendons at the elbow, which help to extend and stabilize the wrist, irritation can result.The symptoms of Selfie Elbow include:Pain on the outside of the elbow during activity.Weakness with grabbing or gripping.Dull ache while at rest/night.Treatment includes rest and refraining from the activity causing the stress and strain,Physiotherapy to stretch and build strength,Behavior modification – a change in posture/position while taking Selfies.An elbow brace to be worn during the daytime and a wrist brace at night – holding both in anatomically comfortable positions.Preventing Selfie Elbow While avoiding such overuse conditions is difficult for athletes and others inflexibly bound to their activity, so those experiencing Selfie Elbow have to limit their Selfie activity and engage their upper extremity in other exercise . others inflexibly bound to their activity, so those experiencing Selfie Elbow have to limit their Selfie activity and engage their upper extremity in other exercise .