Many diet articles mention a more or less similar solution for treating diabetes and blood pressure. But what they don’t tell you is that one of the main enemies is the humble Potato and its many forms in our junk food.

Two studies reported in BMJ and NCBI has separately found that potatoes in any form-mashed, baked, fried, or boiled - plays a key role in increasing Blood Pressure and Diabetes respectively. 

Many of the good things said about vegetables does not apply to Potato. It is more of a starch supplement than a vegetable. It is low in fibre, high in calories, and is tamasic making you a couch potato. Due to their relatively high glycemic index, the carbohydrates in them are quickly converted to glucose when digested.

Potatoes can cause flatulence and gastritis due to oligo compounds. They are bulky and may usurp the place of other helpful, high-fibre, mineral-rich vegetables. It would then be too high of a cost to pay in spite of eating good vegetables.

(Reference and