It smells teen spirit. Around a well-heated debate on “Ban of pornography”. You can imagine a fest in Business management college students debating.  One youngster pops up a defense that porn is sex education. It is the only available resource and we mustn't ban it. 

Well, I'm not for banning pornography either, but the logic seemed to be a bit weird. Sex education? When did this happen? He was convinced. The opposition too seemed not prepared for this point. As if they thought the same. Even for the sake of debate they didn't try. As always, on the panel, I turned to the audience and asked. Would anyone like to challenge this point? Oops! No one wanted to. I thought maybe this is the only way people are learning about sex these days. I had to recheck my facts, the conformity was taking the toll. Suppressed, I mumbled, “Maybe pornography is not a great way to get educated about sex” and left it there. 

In my thoughts, it was still prevalent. Are people confusing education with anything that is shown in a video? Sex education is a complex subject, to begin with. I started analyzing research-based facts. Why we can't consider porn as sex education. It doesn't mean we don't learn anything, we don't label it as education.  Researching on the subject I came across a lot of points. Points that supported why we shouldn't consider porn as sex education. I felt sharing three of them would be very important.

1. It is unrealistic and sets unrealistic expectations:

Well, who wants to see reality anyway? We're all busy finding something entertaining and unrealistic. This is why porn is also addictive. Porn engrosses us and we can't distinguish between real and unreal. The neurons in our brain when watching porn spark similar neurons when we have sex. Even though the experience of orgasm seems real.  The process that has happened on screen and not in reality. 

Another unrealistic thing about porn is getting right to the business. People meet and within minutes they are in bed. Sofa, in-car or under the tree, etc. You get every possible location, Can it get more unrealistic than this? The average size of organs and the level of performance with injected "Caverject" (injections for erection used in the porn industry) is nowhere close to real-life sex. If someone thinks this is how long sex happens in real, it is such a wrong perception.

Pornography Reality 

2. Instant Satisfaction or feeling of ecstasy:

Even though love is not sex, it enhances the impact of sex. Porn doesn't have space for this connection, it focuses on orgasm. The whole business of porn works on the concept of making a person feel and give what they want now. Immediate or instant gratification. 

Type sex with anything and most probably, you'll find that fantasy. Instant gratification is when a person wants to skip the hard part and get results. Like eating the frosting on the cake first and skip the unpleasant base. I don't mean to say in life you get everything the tough way (there is tinder for that) but it leads to patterns of impulsiveness.

Instant Gratification

3. It can be an addiction and not education:

Porn is a form of watching sex. Even though the Internet is relatively a new concept, porn is not. There is a history to it and it is as old as probably sex. Watching someone else performing sex is equally tantalizing in all primitive ages. So porn is just a new form of sex watching Platform. Like everything else, the Internet has leveled the availability of pornography. Every other thing that was a rich man's reach a couple of years ago, with the advent of social media is now in the reach of every person. Anyone with a data plan on his mobile has access to tonnes of pornography. But we tend to confuse the form as the content. Porn on the Internet is just a way to entertain and sometimes people get addicted to the experience. But it's still a medium and not the content. Porn is not sex, its people performing sex. So it doesn't tell you about sex, it tells you about performance in sex. So it may educate, but altogether on the wrong subject.

Addiction of Porn 
Does that mean porn must be banned? No, like we don't ban alcohol or socially accepted Drugs like tea, coffee, wine. Even though it may lead to addiction. It is not necessary for everything that people get addicted to should be banned. But it is for sure not a reliable platform to learn or educate oneself about sex. Let me know what is your take on this. Would you be okay if porn is a way that your child is learning about sex? 

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