It suits women who are producing low levels of hormones for ovulation, or who are not ovulating at all. These females are given medication (as tablets or through injections) to stimulate their hormones.

How does Ovulation Induction work?

First, we’ll confirm your ovulation cycle by:

  • Taking blood samples to measure hormone levels at specific stages of the cycle,
  • Carrying out a transvaginal ultrasound to see the development of follicles in the ovaries, and the thickness and appearance of the lining of the womb.

The Ovulation Induction cycle

  • Day 1: (of your menstrual cycle) Call the clinic to arrange an appointment for a blood test.
  • Day 2-4: Start taking medication.
  • Day 10 or 11: Visit the clinic for a blood test to determine your hormone level. /an ultrasound.
  • Day 14: (approximate) Attend the clinic for an ultrasound test.  This will determine if you are about to ovulate.For women who don’t have a normal menstrual cycle, it may take some time to ovulate. In fact, it is not unusual for ovulation to occur much later in their cycle (after Day 14). You would then need to continue attending the clinic until you ovulate.

There are various treatments to treat ovulation disorders.

These medications may cause multiple follicle developments, with the risk of multiple pregnancies. For this reason, you need to undergo regular ultrasounds to determine the number and rate of growth of these follicles. If more than one follicle develops, your fertility specialist will discuss the risks of multifollicular ovulation.

After the follicle has developed we may use another injection of synthetic human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to trigger the release of the egg from the follicle.The fertile time is for 36 hours from the time of trigger.