Lichen planus (LP) is a disease characterized by itchy reddish-purple skin lesions. It may also present with a burning sensation in the mouth, and a lattice-like network of white lines near sites of erosion (Wickham striae)

causes and risk factors-

more common in women then men and mostly affects  middle age. 

Lichen planus is a skin rash that is triggered by the immune system. Potential causes include:

  • viral infections
  • allergens
  • stress
  • genetics

Six clinical forms of oral lichen planus are recognized:

  1. Reticular, the most common is characterised by the net-like or spider web-like lacy white lines (Wickham's straiae) & is asymptomatic
  2. Erosive/ulcerative, is characterised by oral ulcers, irregular areas of redness, ulcerations and erosions covered with a yellow slough. when the gums are involved, described as desquamative gingivitis
  3. Papular form appear as white papules
  4. plaque form-appearing as a white patch
  5. Atrophic oral lichen planus 
  6. Bullous, appearing as fluid-filled vesicles which project from the surface.

Diagnosis of lichen planus

dentist may send you to a dermatologist if a diagnosis of lichen planus is not obvious,  dermatologist may be able to tell that you have lichen planus simply by looking at your rash. To confirm the diagnosis, you may need further tests.Tests could include a biopsy.

Treating lichen planus

There is no cure for lichen planus, but medications that treat the symptoms are helpful and some may even be able to target a possible underlying cause. Medications often prescribed include:

  1. Retinoids, which are related to vitamin A and are taken topically or orally 
  2. Corticosteroids reduce inflammation and can be topical, oral, or given as an injection
  3. Anti-histamines reduce inflammation and may be particularly helpful if your rash is triggered by an allergen 
  4. Nonsteroidal creams are applied topically and can suppress your immune system and help clear up the rash 
  5. Ultraviolet light therapy to treat lichen planus.
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