Aditi was 19 years old when a dentist failed to anesthetize a back molar properly and hit a nerve dead-on. The result was a lifelong fear of dentists that reached a peak in her 40s, when she stopped going to the dentist entirely.

 "I couldn't even drive by a dentist's office without getting stressed out about pain, it was much easier to accept the pain, sick as that sounds." she said.

  • Few people look forward to a spell in the dentist's chair.
  •  But serious anxiety prevents millions of people from seeking proper preventative care. The consequences of this problem may go far beyond dental pain or lost teeth. Gum disease is a serious infection that can affect other parts of the body. Studies now link it to illnesses including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  • Fortunately, many dentists are specially trained in handling fearful patients; a variety of methods and treatments are available to reduce pain and alleviate fear in the dentist's chair.First starts with a conversation that occurs between patient and doctor.

The comfort , trust begins with a friendly staff.

  • Most people say, they will go to the dentist only when absolutely necessary
  • Fear of dentists stems not so much from the experience of pain as from the lack of control that patients experience in the dentist's chair, says Ellen Rodino, PhD, a psychologist in Santa Monica, California, who has studied dental fear-"You're lying prone, a dentist is hovering above you, and he's putting you in a situation where you can hardly talk or respond. That creates a lot of anxiety for some people because they don't feel in control."
  • The root canal in particular gets a "bad rap" because it is typically preceded by painful toothaches, Milgrom says. The procedure itself relieves this pain, often in just a single visit.
  •  Wisdom tooth extractions get a bad name because of occasional jaw pain experienced several days afterwards, which can be treated with pills.

Here are a few tips that may help you overcome your fear of the dentist:

  • Go to that first visit with someone you trust, such as a close relative who has no fear of dentists
  • Psychologists suggest, it is better for friends and relatives to sit with patients when they are on dental chair
  • You can play music with headphones on as it will make you calmer.
  • Try relaxation techniques. controlled breathing -- taking a big breath, holding it, and letting it out very slowly, like you are a leaky tire. This will slow your heartbeat and relax your muscles.
  • Another technique is progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in turn.Review with your dentist which sedatives are available or appropriate. Options include local anesthetic, nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"), oral sedatives, and intravenous sedation. 

As the pain from Aditi's tooth increased,she found support at the clinic, that is more friendly in ambiance and nature of talk, a doctor that listens to you and is patient with your anxiety and fear.

 Doctor put her at ease and she got an extraction on the first visit. And it was painless,she says."It's been miraculous,"she says. "I've gained such strength, hope, and courage by getting through these experiences."

Siri Dental Hospital, Dilshuknagar and karmanghat, Hyderabad have a friendly that will listen and alleviate your pain in the most friendly manner.

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