Changes in toenails or fingernails cause you  to think that you have fungal nail infections.

Let us see the causes symptoms and prevention for nail fungus.

Causes : Fungal nail infection is due to Fungi on the nails or under the nails. Fungi grows in moist environment 

and cause them to naturally increase or overpopulate.

Symptoms of Fungal Nail Infection

           It often starts with one nail and several may be affected. The nail may look thickened and discoloured,

 Commonly  this is the symptoms to identify of fungus in nails.


  1. Wash your Hands And feet regularly to maintain hygiene.
  2. Keep your Nails short and dry.
  3. Do not trim the skin around your nails.
  4. Wear socks that absorb sweat.
  5. Choose shoes that reduce humidity.
  6. Use anti fungal spray or powder if occurs.
  7. Changes shoes oftenly.
  8. Strengthen your immune system.