Scaling is a fast-growing dental prophylaxis procedure that involves removal of causative agents (plaque and calculus) that cause gum disease. Gum disease also called as gingivitis if not treated can work its way towards the foundation of teeth and cause damage to supporting structures (bone) of our teeth.

Scaling if done at a proper time, that is, every six months to remove calculus, the cycle of gum disease is broken and the onset of gum disease is prevented. 

But there are many misconceptions associated with scaling. 

My teeth got mobile after scaling; I will have gaps after scaling; My teeth will become sensitive. So let us discuss the real facts and myths associated with scaling.   

  1. First of all age-old notation associated with scaling that is completely baseless that teeth become weak and mobile after scaling. The scientific reason deposits are removed too late, at a stage when most of the bone has lost and teeth are temporarily cemented together with hard calculus. Thus after removal of calculus during scaling mobility sets in. Hence scaling doesn’t cause mobility of teeth but calculus over a period of time has damaged bone making the teeth lose.
  2. In some cases, gaps are filled by tooth-coloured tartar. On removal of this tartar, the patient feels gap has been produced due to scaling.
  3. As the calculus is removed concealed part of tooth gets exposed to the oral environment leading to transient hypersensitivity. The sensitivity vanishes in a day or two or can be treated by sensitivity toothpaste.
  4. Some feel that their teeth are grinded during scaling. Heavy calculus is removed which is perceived as tooth material. Scaler tip works on the principle of cavitation that is the formation of water bubbles that explodes to produce shock waves to remove food and debris.

 Rest assured scaling won’t weaken but strengthen teeth

"Bacteria don't take vacations and neither should oral hygiene"