Cartilage disorders are very common in our population and knee joint is the first one to get involved. Most of the patients who reach to doctors are usually in the late phase of damage, as mostly patients don’t have any idea about the problems initially they were facing are due to cartilage problems. In the initial stage it is completely reversible, hence this article is very import as we can save the cartilage, if the diagnosis is made in time!

         So what are the common or early symptoms of cartilage damage or problem? I will make a list of questions which anyone can ask them self or they can ask their near &dear ones.

1) Doyou get clicking sounds from one or the both knee? are they associated withpain?
2) Ifyou stay sitting for hours at a place or chair for long say more than 2hrs at astretch, and you need to stand suddenly, there is a clinch or stiffness or painin one or both knee?

3) Goingup and down in a staircase you have some discomfort in the knee or the musclesabove or below?

4) Drivingcar on a long stretch gives you discomfort in the knee?

5) If you are sitting in a cramped place say a car seat or in movie theater and you feel desire to straighten up your knee, and if you are not able to do so, you feel there is a discomfort?

6) Gettingup from low height chair or floor is a problem?

7) You are trying to avoid walking, as you get cramps or pain while or after walking?

8) Walking on uneven floor gives u trouble?

         If you have any one or more of than one of the above problem then, you may be suffering from cartilage problem. And all the above symptoms are very early change which can change with very simple things.For further update on this, kindly see the video on the link to understand what is cartilage and related disorder.