Monsoons are the unique peculiarity of Kerala . The rains during this season are thought to make one feel spell-bound and so are a host of diseases. This season is a time when Kerala gears up for monsoon treatments to ward off seasonal diseases and remain healthy. With the rain comes water stagnation which leads to the breeding of mosquitoes which, in turn, invites hordes of mosquito-bitten diseases.  The Karkidaka Chikitsa or monsoon treatment during this period, though a laborious process, is usually diligently followed by a lot of Malayalees.   This Ayurvedic process is intended for body-mind detoxification as well as beautification thus rejuvenating the whole body through the various therapies of Ayurveda. This treatment usually takes 7, 14 , 21 days. Some Vaidya’s take it up to 41 days. 

Why treatment during monsoons? 

It is understood that during monsoons the tridoshas namely, vata, pitta and kapha, are aggravated and hence the monsoon treatment is followed to bring about a balance in the body thus bringing about harmony with nature. The monsoon treatment also helps to flush out all impurities in a person making his body-mind-soul healthy and balanced. Also, it is understood that the high humidity in the air during monsoons tends to drain out the ojas leading to breathlessness and weakness. So, Ayurveda, with its holistic and natural healing pattern called Karkidaka Chikitsa during monsoons is the obvious choice.  But not all is bad during monsoons, its moist qualities soften and ripen the seven tissues of the body making it ready and acceptable for the various monsoon treatments. It is also considered best for internal focus or introspection, a naturally supported time to turn inside for meditation and spiritual study, as well as for taking Ayurvedic treatments. The different Monsoon treatments

The different treatments in monsoons include Snehapana, Abhyangam (General massage), Nasyam(medicated oils poured through the nostrils), Pizhichil, Dhara, Virechanam, Njavarakizhi, Tharpanam (Medicated ghee or medicines kept over the eye), Karnapooranam (medicated fumes applied to ears), Medicated steam bath and Vasthi. Also, the diet for the treatment includes ‘Karkidaka kanji’ or the rice gruel during monsoons. Other than the rice gruel, the typical diet recommended for monsoons, Ayurveda endorses a whole lot of dietary patterns that needs to be followed. 

  • Drink lots of water that is boiled and cooled prior to drinking 
  • Indulge less in eating and more in drinking. But cold food and drinks should be avoided at all costs. 
  • Feel fresh and rejuvenated during these times through the regular oil massages. 
  • Abstain from raw vegetables and salads in your diet.
  • Consider to take inappropriate amounts of ginger in your diet to ease digestion.
  • Avoid spicy and salty foods as they lead to indigestion, hyperacidity and bloating.
  • Avoid junk foods that are heavy and deep fried.
  • Eat vegetables that are light and easily digestible and are good to eat and yet light on the stomach.