What is acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition treated by a dermatologist. It is characterized by whiteheads and blackheads (comedones) and pimples (pustules and inflamed papules/nodules). There are many types of acne, with acne vulgaris being most common.Acne is typically seen on the face, chest, and back. Acne is not limited to adolescents, it can occur at any age. Many adults in their 20’s, 30’s, and even 40’s present with acne.

What causes acne?

Acne is a disorder of oil (sebaceous) glands in the skin. Under hormonal influences, they begin to enlarge and produce more oil (sebum), plugging the pores and promoting growth of bacterium called P. acnes. Contrary to the popular belief, acne is not caused by dirt or diet, although if certain foods clearly make your acne worse, try to avoid them. 

Treatment for acne

Untreated acne can be disfiguring, leaving permanent scars. Your dermatologist will tailor the treatment plan based on your acne type, however its success will largely depend on your patience and persistence.All acne medications take at least 4-6 weeks to produce noticeable improvement because they work by preventing new breakouts.Whatever blemishes you have at the beginning of therapy will not be helped dramatically and will take time to heal on their own. Please resist the urge to squeeze the pimples yourself, it will only cause more redness, swelling, and even scarring.

Daily Skin Care

Acne RegimenCleansing: wash your face gently with a mild oil-free cleanser and warm water.Using topical medications: apply a thin layer of medication on thoroughly dried skin.Avoid getting the medicine near the eyes.Moisturizers/sunscreens: any that is 100% oil-free. Recommend using a moisturizer with an SPF as some acne medications may make your skin more sensitive to sunburn.Make-up: any that is 100% oil-free and noncomedogenic.