After your knee replacement surgery, you will have to take physiotherapy sessions it

help ease your operated knee back into functional activity.

PT is an important component  of your recovery and is very crucial in determining the outcome of your replacement procedure..

We are describing  commonly used exercises in home setting after knee replacmet surgery, but your surgeon and physiotherapist will prescribe a individualistic set of exercises that is best for your unique case.

Following  exercises are important to your overall recovery – preventing blood

clots,  improving circulation, improving flexibility and knee movement and

strengthening muscles.

Ankle toe movements:

This exercise will help you increase your ankle flexibility, strengthen your calf

muscles and improve blood circulation in your legs.

How to perform:

 Lie on your back with your legs extended

• Support your operated leg with a folded towel or pillow under your ankle

• use your calf muscles, and move your ankle towards your shin

• Hold for five seconds

• Move your ankle away from your shin

• Hold for 5 seconds

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 2 times a day

Isometric quadriceps:

This is an important part of your exercise protocol because it helps to increase

strength in your quadriceps muscle without straining your joint replacement.

How to perform:

Lie on your back with your legs extended in bed

• Tighten the quadriceps muscle on the front of your leg

• Push the back of your knee into the bed

• Hold for 5 seconds

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 3 times a day

Heel Slides / Hip & Knee Flexion:

Heel slides are an important component of your recovery because they stimulate

both your quadriceps and hamstring to improve range of motion in your knee

and hip.

How to perform:

Lie on your back with your legs extended

• Slide the heel of your operated leg toward your buttock so that your knee

and hip bend

• Hold for 10 seconds

• Slide your heel back so that your leg is flat

• Keep the opposite leg flat

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 3 times a day

Short range quadriceps workout:

The quadriceps muscles are a group of four muscles that control your

knee joint while you are standing and prevent your knee from buckling.

How to perform:

Lie on your back with your legs extended in bed

• Support your operated leg with a pillow to keep your knee bent at 45°

• Straighten operated leg at the knee by lifting only your heel off the bed

• Hold for 5 seconds

• Lower leg back to resting position

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 3 times a dayStraight Leg Raises:

Straight leg raise:

How to perform:

Lie on your back with your non-operated knee bent and foot flat.

• Lift your operated leg one foot off the ground.

• Keep your knee straight and toes pointed up.

• Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 3 times a day.

Knee Extension:

Active knee extension increases your knee flexibility range of motion and

improves quadriceps strength.

How to perform

Sit upright in a firm chair

• Raise your heel forward until the knee is straight

• Hold for 5 seconds

• Slowly lower and bend your knee as far you can

• Perform one set of 10 repetitions 3 times a day